Review Article Role of Platelet-Rich Plasma in Osteoarthritis of Knee Joint among Indian Population
Platelet-Rich plasma and Osteoarthritisosteoarthritis
Intra-articular therapy, osteoarthritis, platelet rich plasmaAbstract
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a widespread condition that can cause pain and reduced functional ability in approximately half
of the population at some point in their lives. To alleviate symptoms and postpone surgical intervention, new nonoperative
treatments are being suggested to treat early stages of joint deterioration. For knee OA, platelet rich plasma
(PRP) is a new treatment option knee osteoarthritis (KOA). Studies have examined the efficacy of intra-articular
PRP, which may only partially treat KOA since it ignores extra-articular tissue dysfunction. A straightforward and
minimally intrusive treatment option for treating knee OA in primary care is PRP therapy. Numerous growth factors
included in PRP may speed up the healing of tendons. A relatively recent treatment for tendinopathies is local PRP
injection. As of now, there have been no negative effects associated with PRP injections used to treat tendinopathy.
The important advantages and disadvantages in the use of PRP in OA and its scope for long-term use will be discussed
in this review.
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