Review Article History and Recent Developments in Internal Plate Fixation of Fractures

Internal plate fixation of fractures


  • Nishad Vipul Situt Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Sancheti Hospital, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Vipul Situt Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Sangam Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


Bimetals, bone fracture, bone plates, internal fixation


Since more than a century ago, metal plates have been utilized to internally treat fractures. Even while early issues like corrosion
and insufficient strength have been fixed, more contemporary designs still have some issues. To create a plate that speeds up
fracture healing without affecting bone physiology, more study is required. The biggest change to plate-fixation of fractures
came with the invention of rigid plates. However, after the plate was removed, it caused cortical porosis, delayed bridging, and
refractures. These unintended consequences were allegedly brought on by bone-plate contact obstructing cortical perfusion.
Further plate improvements, therefore, sought to prevent necrosis and eventual porosis by reducing this contact area. The
biggest change to plate-fixation of fractures came with the invention of rigid plates. However, after the plate was removed, it
caused cortical porosis, delayed bridging, and refractures. These unintended consequences were allegedly brought on by boneplate
contact obstructing cortical perfusion. Further plate improvements, therefore, sought to prevent necrosis and eventual
porosis by reducing this contact area. The treatment of bone fractures, particularly refractory fractures, should be improved by
further advancements in bio metals and their design for orthopedic bone plates



Author Biographies

Nishad Vipul Situt, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Sancheti Hospital, Pune, Maharashtra, India




Vipul Situt, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Sangam Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India






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How to Cite

Vipul Situt, N. ., & Vipul Situt. (2023). Review Article History and Recent Developments in Internal Plate Fixation of Fractures: Internal plate fixation of fractures. Journal of Bones &Amp; Muscles Health, 1(1), 29–32. Retrieved from



Review Article