Original Article The Effect of Steroid in the Treatment of Simple Bone Cysts in Comparison with Autogenous Bone Marrow Injection
Management of bone cysts with steroids
Autogenous bone marrow injection, simple bone cyst, steroid injectionAbstract
Background: Simple bone cysts (SBC) are well-known lesions; however, there is currently no cure for them. Studies using a
common treatment technique – steroid injection – reported results that were quite diverse from one another. The outcomes of patients
with pathological fractures who were not on any treatment were evaluated in comparison to the steroid injection method. Materials
and Methods: A total of 44 patients had steroid injection therapy (Group – I) and 38 were treated with autogenous bone marrow
injection (ABMI). For comparisons, Capanna’s plain radiographic evaluation criteria were applied, and magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) was utilized. The outcomes were graded in accordance with MRI and X-ray findings. Results: The first and most important
finding was that the majority of ABMI patients responded well following their initial injection. We discovered that the majority of
patients fell within the range of 5 months–1 year, taking into consideration the time between the start of conservative treatment and
the mechanical repair of the cyst (CI lower than 3 and cortical width lower than 2 mm). Conclusion: Failure after a steroid injection
is possible, and healing before the third injection only rarely happens, ABMI is a straightforward, cost-free procedure that works on
both active and dormant cysts, and in the majority of cases, after the initial injection, certain symptoms of healing appear.
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Journal of Bones and Muscles Health • Vol 1 • Issue 1 • 2023
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