Editorial Current Scenario in Osteoporotic Vertebral Fracture



  • Anil Mehtani Director, Pediatric (Ped) Orthopedics) Max Smart Super Speciality Hospital, Saket Max Hospital Gurgaon


Bone fragility increases with osteoporosis resulting
in increased risk of fractures. It is a major concern for
postmenopausal women also in elderly. In USA and Europe,
postmenopausal women who have osteoporosis are about
30%. Above age 50, one in three women or one in five men
is expected to experience osteoporotic fracture.[1] A minor
trauma like a fall or spontaneous may be due to osteoporotic
vertebral fractures (OVF) which is expected to affect
117/100000 persons



Author Biography

Anil Mehtani, Director, Pediatric (Ped) Orthopedics) Max Smart Super Speciality Hospital, Saket Max Hospital Gurgaon







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How to Cite

Mehtani, A. (2023). Editorial Current Scenario in Osteoporotic Vertebral Fracture: Editorial. Journal of Bones &Amp; Muscles Health, 1(1), 1–2. Retrieved from https://portal.jbmh.in/index.php/ins/article/view/10

